Source code for optimus.conf.model

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Settings model

import os

from optimus.exceptions import InvalidSettings

[docs]class SettingsModel(object): """ Settings model Basically empty on init, you'll have to fill it either from kwargs or a module (or an object). Be aware that on default behavior settings loading methods execute ``apply_defaults`` method that will apply default values for some settings but related settings are not updated, you need to take care of them yourself or disabled default values pratice. Attributes: _excluded_names (list): Setting names to exclude from loading methods. _required_settings (list): Settings names required to be defined from loading methods. """ _excluded_names = [] _required_settings = ( "PROJECT_DIR", "DEBUG", "SITE_NAME", "SITE_DOMAIN", "SOURCES_DIR", "TEMPLATES_DIR", "PUBLISH_DIR", "STATIC_DIR", "STATIC_URL", )
[docs] def validate_name(self, name): """ Filter to validate setting name Name must be uppercase, not starting with a '_' character and not registred in exluded names. Arguments: name (string): Setting name. Returns: bool: True if name is valid, else False. """ return ( name not in self._excluded_names and not name.startswith("_") and name.isupper() )
[docs] def check(self): """ Check every required settings are defined """ missing_settings = [] for setting_name in self._required_settings: if not hasattr(self, setting_name): missing_settings.append(setting_name) if len(missing_settings) > 0: msg = ( "The following settings are required but not " "defined: {0}" ).format(", ".join(missing_settings)) raise InvalidSettings(msg)
[docs] def _default_jinja(self): """ Set default attributes for required settings around Jinja """ # Python paths for each extensions to use with Jinja2 if not hasattr(self, "JINJA_EXTENSIONS"): self.JINJA_EXTENSIONS = ("jinja2.ext.i18n",) # Template filters to use with Jinja2 if not hasattr(self, "JINJA_FILTERS"): self.JINJA_FILTERS = {}
[docs] def _default_watchdog(self): """ Set default attributes for required settings Watchdog """ # Templates watcher settings if not hasattr(self, "WATCHER_TEMPLATES_PATTERNS"): self.WATCHER_TEMPLATES_PATTERNS = { "patterns": ["*.html"], "ignore_patterns": None, "ignore_directories": False, "case_sensitive": False, } # Assets watcher settings if not hasattr(self, "WATCHER_ASSETS_PATTERNS"): self.WATCHER_ASSETS_PATTERNS = { "patterns": ["*.css", "*.js", "*.json"], "ignore_patterns": None, "ignore_directories": False, "case_sensitive": False, }
[docs] def _default_webassets(self): """ Set default attributes for required settings around Webassets """ # The directory where webassets will store his cache if not hasattr(self, "WEBASSETS_CACHE"): self.WEBASSETS_CACHE = os.path.join(self.PROJECT_DIR, ".webassets-cache") # Asset version appended through url querystring behavior if not hasattr(self, "WEBASSETS_URLEXPIRE"): self.WEBASSETS_URLEXPIRE = None # Bundles if not hasattr(self, "BUNDLES"): self.BUNDLES = {} if not hasattr(self, "ENABLED_BUNDLES"): self.ENABLED_BUNDLES = list(self.BUNDLES.keys())
[docs] def _default_babel(self): """ Set default attributes for required settings around Babel """ # Default directory for translation catalog if not hasattr(self, "LOCALES_DIR"): self.LOCALES_DIR = os.path.join(self.PROJECT_DIR, "locale") # Default used language if not hasattr(self, "LANGUAGE_CODE"): self.LANGUAGE_CODE = "en_US" # Default available languages to manage if not hasattr(self, "LANGUAGES"): self.LANGUAGES = (self.LANGUAGE_CODE,) # Default map for translaction extract with babel if not hasattr(self, "I18N_EXTRACT_MAP"): self.I18N_EXTRACT_MAP = ( ("", "python"), ("*", "python"), ("**/templates/**.html", "jinja2"), ) if not hasattr(self, "I18N_EXTRACT_OPTIONS"): self.I18N_EXTRACT_OPTIONS = { "**/templates/**.html": { "extensions": "webassets.ext.jinja2.AssetsExtension", "encoding": "utf-8", }, } if not hasattr(self, "I18N_EXTRACT_SOURCES"): self.I18N_EXTRACT_SOURCES = (self.PROJECT_DIR,)
[docs] def apply_defaults(self): """ Apply default attributes for needed but not required settings. """ # Python path to the file that contains pages map, this is relative to # project directory if not hasattr(self, "PAGES_MAP"): self.PAGES_MAP = "pages" # Directories to "synchronize" within static directory if not hasattr(self, "FILES_TO_SYNC"): self.FILES_TO_SYNC = () # Use https protocol instead of http if enabled if not hasattr(self, "HTTPS_ENABLED"): self.HTTPS_ENABLED = False # Default settings for dependancies self._default_watchdog() self._default_jinja() self._default_webassets() self._default_babel()
[docs] def load_from_kwargs(self, check=True, defaults=True, **kwargs): """ Set setting attribute from given named arguments. Keyword Arguments: check (bool): True to perform required settings check. Default is True. defaults (bool): True to set default needed settings. kwargs: Named arguments to load as settings. Returns: list: List of loaded setting names from given arguments. """ setted = [] for name in kwargs: if self.validate_name(name): setattr(self, name, kwargs.get(name)) setted.append(name) if check: self.check() if defaults: self.apply_defaults() return setted
[docs] def load_from_module(self, settings_module, check=True, defaults=True): """ Set setting attribute from given module variables. Keyword Arguments: settings_module (object): Object to find attributes to load as settings. Every valid attribute names will be used. defaults (bool): True to set default needed settings. kwargs: Named arguments to load as settings. Returns: list: List of loaded setting names from given module. """ setted = [] for name in dir(settings_module): if self.validate_name(name): setattr(self, name, getattr(settings_module, name)) setted.append(name) if check: self.check() if defaults: self.apply_defaults() return setted